Thomas Leach Colour Go Solar: Rooftop Solar Panel System Installed At Our Abingdon Facility

Close up of solar panels on a roof.

Writing this on a rainy and very grey day in mid-February, solar energy might not be the first thing that comes to mind! However, we are very much looking forward to the projected long-term energy savings coming from our new v at our Abingdon facility, which was installed just before Christmas.


On 11th December (another grey and rainy day if I remember rightly), contractors from Electron Green installed 117 x 58.7 kWp rooftop solar panels on our factory at the edge of Abingdon, covering 280 m² of roof space, enough power for 17 three-bedroom homes.

Why do we need this amount of solar power? Because the print and media sector is a highly energy intensive industry, and like every print media business over the past couple of years, this has impacted our overheads at a time of record high energy prices.

Our solar investment is part of an ongoing strategy to become more energy independent so that we have more flexibility to offer stable and competitive prices to our customers, and are less affected by unpredictable hikes in wholesale utility prices.

Aside from this, high energy use also creates high carbon emissions, which is bad for the environment and, as the government’s Net Zero 2050 target gets closer, could put companies in the firing line for greater regulations or penalties.

A Long-Term Investment In Our Company And Customers

Our new solar panels have an expected working life of over 35 years, with projected lifetime savings on energy bills of up to £400,000, starting immediately, and reduction of our electricity grid used by 45%. The money we save can be reinvested into new technologies and processes to increase the value and range of services available to our customers. And in terms of carbon savings, our solar panel system is projected to reduce our carbon footprint by 357 tonnes over 25 years, the equivalent of planting over 5900 trees!

Find Out More

Installing the new solar panels on our factory roof goes a long way to help reduce our carbon emissions, and the fixed electricity price will give us valuable long-term financial certainty. If you would like to find out more about our energy efficient print services, please get in touch with one of our service team today by clicking here.


Image Source: Canva