Commercial Printing: How Does It Keep Traditional Marketing Alive?

Commercial prints that are helping an SME secure sales and increase brand recognition.

A lot of modern marketing takes place through digital media, but as many small businesses recognise, the rise of digital marketing hasn’t replaced the physical world. Printed advertising and marketing collateral still play a crucial role in securing sales and increasing brand recognition in many sectors, and commercial printing services are often the most cost-effective means for SMEs to take advantage of these marketing channels.


What Is ‘Traditional’ Marketing?

In a sense, there isn’t really such thing as ‘traditional marketing’. Marketing is a flexible practice with the sole goal of promoting a business’s products or services to its target demographic, and makes use of whatever tools are most appropriate for the job. In some cases, these tools are emails, blogs, and online adverts, and in other cases, the right tools are direct mail, printed brochures, posters, and branded stationary. In marketing, there’s no need to keep anything ‘alive’ that doesn’t serve a purpose.

Physical print and digital advertising, when used correctly, are mutually supportive. However, it’s sensible to recognise that a lot of the trust that consumers and businesses place on advertising was built on the back of traditional print advertising services, which is still the reason why many people see print advertisements as more trustworthy and genuine than their digital counterparts. By migrating purely to digital channels, many businesses close the door to lucrative markets and sales opportunities.

Many B2B buyers in the manufacturing and logistics sectors, for example, still prefer hardcopy sales brochures and catalogues to e-commerce websites, even if they place their orders online through a customer portal. It’s simply more convenient for them to thumb through a printed brochure than access their phone or laptop in the warehouse or production floor.

And in the consumer market and charitable sector, many older adults still prefer print marketing to digital advertising, and may miss promotions if they are purely advertised online or through social media.

Commercial Printing Services For Print Advertising

A commercial print service can help you develop a wide range of printed marketing collateral for you to distribute to your target audience. These include brochures and flyers, business cards, direct mail campaigns, promotional products, signage and banners, and even branded packaging and labels.

In all these cases, custom-design and a high-quality print finish are crucial for product recognition and branding, and for maximising customer engagement. At the end of the day, marketing is about creating memorable experiences, and printed materials are often a more efficient way of doing this than purely digital approaches, giving you a cost-effective way of keeping in touch with your prospective and existing customers.

What Next?

At TL Colour, we offer scalable commercial print services and print advertising services for small businesses. To find out more and discover how we can help enhance your marketing campaigns and reach more customers, please contact us today by clicking here.


Image Source: Canva